Relaxed, reclining or lying down comfortably. In front of you; instruments from all over the world. Some, like the didgeridoo, flute, drum have been around for at least 50,000 years. They have withstood quite the test of time to be here now. Shortly this ancient technology will be used to generate vibrations that fill and reverberate through the room; energy. Heard as sound and music filtered through our senses. These vibrations are proven to eliminate stress from the body. A gratitude meditation guides us in, helps us make the most of that.
A timeless yet transcultural ceremony, open to all, a moment of sanctuary, like a bubble suspended in time. The music is intuitively drawn from the room. Raw improvisational live music opens the door for everyone present to co-create the experience through your simple presence, adding your unique information. For this moment we are outside of time together, outside our stories. Reconnecting with the ancient feeling of community and the wholeness of yourself… A chance to come home inside… What you find there, only you can know.
Click here to learn more about the instruments
If you’re…
Stressed, Stuck, or Stagnant
Navigating big transitions or transformations
Struggling with chronic illness or conditions
Wanting a space to activate imagination and envision
Reflecting or processing
Exploring Consciousness or Meditation
In love with Music
Needing time to just BE
Overwhelmed by the modern world
Imagine the people you love, gathered at your home or a cozy studio, all of you with the intention to create more peace and joy in your life. Imagine them relaxing and slowing down, at ease, feeling connected to themselves. Or maybe you are going through a lot and you could use all the attention. Whether just for yourself or those you love, we can set up this experience anywhere you like
Donation based! Suggested 55$
A half hour of the Tibetan bowls, Drums & Didgeridoo played right on your body! Described as a “cellular” massage. It can work wonders for a huge array, from simple stomach cramps, to spiritual crises.
Great to include in a regular wellness routine along with massage, acupuncture, reiki, etc.
*Doesn’t include many instruments
Rate: 222$
All of the instruments for an hour long sound bath, brought to you, wherever you are, or set up at a studio near you. The didgeridoos, drums and Tibetan bowls are played on the body. Unless the group is too large.
Perfect for gathering families and friends, parties, a birthday gift, corporate events, ceremonies, celebrating special occasions or to treat yourself!
*An added bonus of the house calls is that homes seem to feel “lighter” afterwards!
CONTACT ME DIRECTLY to set up a booking or to have me on a menu for wellness centers, spas, etc.
A beautiful community and incredible land! Every Saturday you can find me, usually in Sequim or Port Townsend. Check the calendar below for details! Utah community, contact me to get on a waiting list, once enough people are signed up I will set up a trip!
Typically an hour long, on the surface it almost appears like a cozy slumber party with live music. Together we take the time to connect to our deeper self, the music a guide. Immersed in the vibrations of world instruments, we come out on the other side refreshed and rejuvenated. Ironically enough, we bath in sound to leave with our mind preciously quieter.
Pre-register on the calendar/events tab! Contact me with any questions, or if you would like to work with me on offering an event to the community, or involve me in any other venture!
Public sound baths are always kept donation based, the suggested donation is 33$. Please never allow that to hold you back from coming! It truly is donation based, and I want this to be available for people at all levels of our community.
Sometimes people like David Michael on the harp will drop in for a sound bath, absolutely magical! Let me know if you want to collaborate.
An example is every 4th Saturday @ The Hive in Chimacum, where we have a drum circle after the sound bath.
Occasionally there will be a sound bath combined with yoga, or breathwork!
Attend a sound bath and get the recording for home later! Sign up on the Patreon to get dozens of digital sound baths & more