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Here you are… typically lying down comfortably, sometimes seated. In front of you lay instruments from all over the world. A variety of cultures lives on in them. Some from before recorded history and even money existed. They have withstood quite the test of time to be here now. Shortly this ancient technology will be used to generate vibrations that fill and reverberate through the room; physical energy registered in our perception as sound and heart as music. Click here to learn more about the instruments and here for services and the different ways to experience. Occasionally in public events you will experience the vibration right over the body, the personal sessions are focused on this aspect!

The musical composition is intuitively drawn from the inspiration and muse present in the room. It is raw improvisational live music which opens the door for everyone present to co-create the experience through your simple presence; the chemistry of you. This contributes to the subtle feeling of ceremony. That for this moment we are outside of time, outside our stories. Reconnecting with the ancient feeling of community and the wholeness of yourself… A chance to internally come home… Only with that distance can the fullness of the mountain of our human experience reveal itself.


The benefits provided are useful to anyone. From the business leaders to the creatives… All of it for you simply being present, your body in the vibration and your mind in the music. There is nothing you need to do other than lay back and relax while the mud settles and balance is reestablished. No matter who you are or where you come from, you have this moment dedicated to your wellbeing on all it’s levels. This is your time to be, nothing is needed and wanted from you, nothing you need to do, allow yourself this simple treat. Let the music take you on a journey deep into yourself, you will go as far as you allow yourself.

Some may spend their time softly relaxing in the alpha brainwave state. Attendants frequently slip into a deeper waking lucid dream state. It is not uncommon to see colors, old smells or dusty memories revealed in clarity, or what some may refer to as a shamanic voyage, an experience orchestrated by your subconsciousness and the natural intelligence, encouraged to open by the music. Some may slip past this brainwave into a deep sleep, past the Theta waves into Delta and deep rest, and rest assured that even unaware of the music you will be getting exactly what you and your body need!

This internal journey dances with the music. The art of this practice is weaving a full bodied experience with the music and these timeless tools. As is the nature of art, everyone is going to have their own unique experience reflected in your being.

This work is not about actually healing anyone, it is about providing the space for you to heal yourself. Look at on a physical level. It is proven that in the session your levels of cortisol will lower. That hormone and it’s inflammation load is involved in up to 90% of all healthcare visits. The frequent chronic nature of it will divert our body’s energy. Once that load is lowered our body is able to resume it’s healing and return our vital functions to homeostasis. The sound bath provides the environment for it to heal itself. This effect plays out all the different levels of wellness. Emotionally, spiritually, every part of our being can decompress and create the space for rejuvenation.

This work is perfectly suited to those who have dove deep into their unseen depths as well as those just taking an interest in meditation and alternative ways of being and relating to yourself. This is actually a perfect introduction to that world and the instruments can assist in transforming consciousness in a way that monks work for potentially years to achieve.

  • My session with Nichole and Tarek satisfied, transcended and restored my body and soul. The setting they have created nurtures immediate acceptance toward the therapy. The room is settling and warm and the river flowing in their backyard along with the wind through the trees connects you back to nature. Tarek's percussion utilizes so many different sound therapy instruments and Nichole's Reiki immediately relaxed me and allowed healing energy to enter my body. There were times I felt like there were four people in the room providing my session, even though I knew it was only the two of them. The experience, even now a week later is still providing a beautiful rhythm to my day to day life. Can't wait to return again next week and even go deeper.
    — - John Nogawski, former President of CBS
  • Wow. Where do I begin? From the moment I walked in, Tarek and Nichole made me feel so incredibly comfortable and at ease. I was amazed at the relaxation techiniques that they used to help me relax and enjoy the experience. Once I had started my sound bath, I immediatley felt all my tension slip away. It was truly an amazing experience and I would highly recommend this to anybody who is looking for something unique and is ready to relasee the stress of everyday life. I need this weekly! thank you for everything!
    — - Tracie Frank Poisl-Young, Grief Counselor
  • Tarek and Nichole are attuned to and sincere in their purpose and abilities. During my session with them, I lost sense of time as I explored the opening of my bodies' communication and became absorbed in all it was showing and telling me. I was in such a strong, relaxed state I was not too surprised to see images associated with visceral message and directing and revitalizing me. I wanted to swim in the sounds forever and laugh with the crystals. Later that night, vivid, empowering dreams followed. Such a powerful union between body and emotion was the beginning for a clearing change within me. I feel more comfortable and unified with my body and accepting of the profound wisdom it holds. There is a brilliant and giving naturalness in Tarek and Nichole's healing gifts. Even the tiniest particles of my body thanks them for this splendid and liberating session.
    — - Julie Solei, Poet/I-Ching Reader
  • Wow. Where do I begin? From the moment I walked in, Tarek and Nichole made me feel so incredibly comfortable and at ease. I was amazed at the relaxation techiniques that they used to help me relax and enjoy the experience. Once I had started my sound bath, I immediatley felt all my tension slip away. It was truly an amazing experience and I would highly recommend this to anybody who is looking for something unique and is ready to relasee the stress of everyday life. I need this weekly! thank you for everything!
    — - Tracie Frank Poisl-Young, Grief Counselor